ProteanArt is fully committed to being a beacon for sustainability, not only in the way we deliver workshops and conduct business, but also in the materials that we utilise when making and creating.
We believe it is important to inspire people through our own creative practice as artists & designers, but we also apply this ethos within the educational activities that we run. So in everything, ProteanArt endeavours to be mindful of waste - reducing, reusing and recycling whenever we can.
For many years we have used a large proportion of recycled materials and post-consumer waste in our work and in the workshops that we run and while it isn’t always possible* to use 100% recycled materials, we try to source materials, card, paper, metal, ceramic and fabrics through forms of recycling and re-use.
*sometimes due to the nature of the work or workshop being delivered we can’t use recycled materials.
We have also found that the use of alternative/recycled materials inspires and empowers our workshop participants to think about the ways they can pursue sustainability in their own lives.